Excellence is a lifestyle and not just what we achieve. We become excellent by applying the right principles diligently.
Commitment to excellence is a decision and not just an emotional desire. You pursue what you desire through your actions and not just your words.
Commitment simply means you are devoted towards a vision, or goal. Commitment is deciding to do what is needed to achieve your aim at any cost.
Basic principles to help you stay committed towards excellence kn any field.
Have a desire to Learn- learning keeps you relevant and improves your level of expertise in any field. Learning helps you grow in knowledge.
Read and Study always- Reading opens your mind to new ideas and helps you acquire information. Readers lead the world because they have access to insight.
Have the right Mindset- Your mindset is key to your level of transformation. You need the right mindset towards your desires to attract them.
Keep the right company of friends- Your company involves everything you give access to your mind. If you walk with the wise, you’ll be wise.
Have mentors/ Senior friends you get counsel from- You need the right people to guide you towards your goal or desire. There is no self-made man, you need to locate people that are destined to help you. In the multitude of counsel, there is safety.
Work Hard and Work smart- Working hard simply means you are persistent and steadfast in doing what you need to do.
Working smart simply means you are applying the right informations and principles to make your efforts productive. Working smart and Working hard complement each other.
You need God’s grace- The Godfactor is a necessity towards excellence. God’s grace helps you achieve results. God’s grace provides solutions for uncertainties in life.
Every human is capable of being excellent because we are made in the image and likeness of God.
Chibueze Nwanmah