Climate change

The COP26 Agreement Shares the Latest Climate Crisis

The moment of truth for our planet revealed by the cop26 agreement stated that we’re advancing toward dangerous global warming. The climate and environment news reported that the global temperature rise is resulting in the death of tropical coral reefs. Limiting the rise in temperature to 1.5 degrees centigrade could protect us from more dangerous impacts of climate fluctuations.

What is needed to counter the latest climatic crisis is meeting the goal to cut global emissions by 45 percent by 2030 — ideally, the global emissions should hit zero by 2050. But isn’t this way too far from reality?

A placard reading “System Change Not Climate Change”

How Chile Is Leading the Charge for Climate Action

Latin America has been suffering from the disastrous impacts of the global climate crisis for several years now. A report by the WWF highlighted the changing climate patterns in the region, characterized by melting glaciers, worsening drought conditions, extreme weather conditions, and other environmental impacts. One Latin American country, in particular, is finally taking strict action against the …

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A person at a climate change protest holding a placard that reads “Planet over Profit”

Analyzing Corporate Promises on Climate Change

Many companies have made promises to tackle climate change, but how many of them are actually doing it? Scientists have been sounding the alarms on the climate crisis for the past few decades. It can only get much worse after ‘code red’ global warming warnings are issued! The focus of climate action has steadily shifted from individuals whose …

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